More hiking shots
- Elder Krahenbuhl and I in the Holiday Inn
- Roy and Creta's baptism
- Out hiking and this stone supposedly has the ten commandments written on it from about 300ad.
Crazy Dreams (written 1/10/11)
Transfers is coming up and we find out transfer news this Saturday. For some reason when ever I get anxious I start having really weird dreams and I have had them every night lately. I love serving in Belen but I am pretty sure I will be getting transferred out so I have been working hard to get everything in order for whoever takes my place. The ward here is amazing though so I know whoever comes in will do well, especially considering elder Krahenbuhl will most likely be staying. But I still have a chance of staying for another transfer so my companion and I are holding out slight hope :-)
This week has had several amazing miracles that I will never forget, and we have been blessed to be a part of bringing more people closer to Christ, but unfortunately I don't have time to write anything else. With transfers coming up I had to write a more extensive letter to President and I also picked today to upload pictures, so I am about out of time.
I love you all!
Elder Inman
PS, make a profile on! Amazing work is happening from that website.
The High Life (written 1/4/11)
Hey everyone,I am late emailing again because our regular emailing location is still not open I don't think, but I should be back on schedule next week. This past week has been a great one though so I have a lot to write about, but my time is short so I don't know how much I will actually get on here. I wish I could just send a quick Skype message every week!
Elder Krahenbuhl and I lived the high life Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at the Holiday Inn. Jealous? Our heater stopped working Friday and both of us have pretty thin blankets so our sleep was less then great. We called our land lord Saturday morning and told him what was happening and since no one could get out to fix it until Monday he reserved us a room at the Holiday Inn. It was so nice! We had two queen beds and we didn't even have to make them ourselves, lol. But we are back home now and trying to get accustomed to cleaning up after ourselves again.
Sunday was a great day for more then just sleeping in a nice hotel though. Of course it was fast Sunday so Elder Krahenbuhl and I got up and bore our testimonies and we were able to hear some other great testimonies borne, including the Stake Presidents who told an incredible story:
He said that over Christmas break there was a man and his son driving through Albuquerque to get to family in another state. They were in separate vehicles and the father was looking in his rear view mirror at his son when all of a sudden his son's car turned sharply and rolled over several times off the highway. The father was in shock and found the closest turn around and then rushed over to the scene of the crash. He ran to the car yelling 'my son, my son' as he saw a nurse, who had been driving behind them, administering CPR. The nurse finally stopped and looked up to the father to tell him that she did all she could do but his son was dead. Grief settled in as he realized he would have to bury his own son. 'What a Christmas this will be" he though to himself. Then the prompting came to give his son a priesthood blessing, but it didn't make sense since his son was already dead. He followed the prompting anyway and as soon as he sealed the blessing his son began breathing. The nurse watched the whole thing in disbelief. The Stake President met this man at the temple a few days ago because his son is in the hospital with a broken back, but nothing else is wrong. The man has no family here and all he could think of doing was go to the temple and thank the Lord for his Christmas miracle.
After testimony meeting was over we found an investigator who we had thought dropped us last week. She came up and asked if we could continue the meetings because she wants to be a part of the church. She also said that she almost got up to bear her own testimony, and wants us to help her get ready to do that next month. Then someone else caught us after church to ask us if we could begin teaching his family as well since all of them are members except for him. The Lord is preparing so many people to accept the glad message of the restoration and I love being a part of them hearing it. It is so great to see so many people feel the greater joy that is possible through the gospel!
I love life as a missionary!!
Elder Inman
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