Wednesday, September 29, 2010


First- I took so many pictures to finaly catch lightning. Completely worth it though :-)

Second- The breakfast I made for Elder Thatcher last week on his B-day
Third- My desk right now. Not bad for a missionary huh

 Us having some fun in front of our truck on Pday :-) Today actualy


I know, I know, technically supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is not really a word but it sounded like it fit this week pretty well. This is one of the most enjoyable weeks of my mission, and I wish I had a much longer amount of time to tell you all that happened, but I don't so I will go ahead and cheat with my tabs instead of paragraphs. Here it goes :-)

- The ward is incredible here! So far anytime we have needed someone to accompany us to an appointment there have been several people available. Plus they are actually willing to work on the missionary work in the ward, which is great relief after leaving my last area. After we reported on our progress for the week in P.E.C, which is a meeting for much of the leadership in the ward, they were excited and were willing to help in ANY ways we will need it this coming week. It is such a great feeling to be working in a ward that enjoys missionary work, is proactive, and shows love for their missionaries, probably more then we deserve. Yesterday a member of the bishopric came up to Elder Thatcher and I and told us how happy he is that we are in the ward, that we are showing him what should be expected of missionaries in the future, and then put his arm around an 8 year old boy and told him that he needs to be missionaries like us someday. That is one of the greatest compliments I have received on my mission so far!

- The work is progressing at a good rate, at least for our first full week here. We have a massive list of less-active members, part-member families, and former investigators that we are trying to get in contact with, and this week we only reached a small portion of that list. From this weeks work we were able to clean up a part of this list quite a bit, and we have several more people who are willing to meet with us to build there faith and work towards re-activity, and a couple new investigators to the church. I don't feel we are doing anything special in our work, but the Lord is very richly blessing us for the work we are doing. There is still a lot to be done before this area is booming with success, but I feel very blessed with the success we have already seen.

- We were able to attend the temple last Monday and received some great blessings as a result of the spirit that exists there. There were two people who I had been praying about a lot concerning how to help them progress towards baptism, and felt I was hitting a brick wall so I asked in prayer that I would receive the answers while going through the temple. I left the temple having received revelation of what we needed to do :-) Because of that revelation one of the investigators has made it her goal to be worthy of entering the temple herself after a very powerful lesson about temples accompanied by the testimonies and teachings of a couple in the ward. We will see the result of the other one this coming week, which both my companion are extremely excited about. It is great to see the miracles the Lord expects of us happening.

- We came up with the idea of bringing dog treats around with us so that we can get to more doors without being attacked. I tried it on a tiny chiwawa yesterday and its worked perfect, so we will see what happens with a doberman, lol.

Well I really have to get going because we still need to bring our truck into the shop to get our brakes worked on, and then finishing cleaning our house and organizing the names we need to visit.

I love you all,

Elder Inman

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